Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Rumor Mill Gran Turismo 5 Might Have 1000 Cars

HTTP:: Rumor Mill Gran Turismo 5 Might Have 1000 Cars
One of the things the public focuses on when comparing racing titles is the number of cars offered, especially when it comes to the bigger franchises that fight for the limited attention of the gamer.Microsoft launched a broadside when it revealed, at the E3 trade show earlier in the year, that its upcoming Forza Motorsport 3 was set to bring players 400 cars and 100 tracks to race them on. Now, Polyphony Digital and Sony are firing back by claiming that the upcoming Gran Turismo 5 is set to carry no less than 1,000 playable cars (that's not a typo, one thousand cars).The claim comes via a page, translated by GTPlanet, which originally appeared on the official site of developer Polyphony Digital. Since then, the original has been taken down, which means that either the 1,000 car figure is exaggerated or the information was not supposed to be out yet.The translation is also claiming that only 170 of the cars will have fully detailed interiors that will show the damage which !
the car receives, while the other 830 featured modes will only be showing exterior damage to the player. Apparently, Gran Turismo 5 will allow players to race using electric cars like the Prius, the Insight, and the latest hybrid car models, some of them not even being available commercially.When it comes to tra...
http://news.softpedia.com/news/Rumor-Mill-Gran-Turismo-5-Might-Have-1-000-Cars-119924.shtml This e-mail was sent by Experiment23 Inc., located in New York, NY
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