Friday, September 11, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Google micro payments system

HTTP:: Google micro payments system
p2pnet news view Freedom | P2P:- Britain’s Crosbie Fitch is years ahead of Google.n“Google is promoting a payments system to the newspaper industry that would let Web surfers pay a small amount for individual news stories, an idea that could help publishers struggling with the impact of the Internet,” says ComputerWorld.n“The plans were revealed [...]
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Pingie: HTTP:: NOAA Finds Sunken WWII Patrol Boat

HTTP:: NOAA Finds Sunken WWII Patrol Boat
In the darkest day of World War II, when German submarines were patrolling the waters alongside the Eastern seaboards of the United States, many a trawling and fishing vessels were pressed into active duty, outfitted with small cannons and machine guns, and sent out on patrol. Large numbers of these vessels fell prey to experienced U-Boat commanders, which torpedoed them with every chance they got. One such casualty of war, a ship named YP-389, was recently discovered in an area of the ocean known as “The Graveyard of the Atlantic,” where many ships and submarines sunk. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) discovered the converted fishing trawler resting some 300 feet (91 meters) below the surface, about 20 miles off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. The area is littered with ship wrecks, which resulted from the Battle of the Atlantic. American, British and German ships alike found their end there, alongside members of their crews. When YP-389 sun!
k, on June 19th, 1942, it claimed the lives of six sailors. Fortunately, 18 others survived, LiveScience reports. “She rests now like a literal skeleton, a reminder of a time long ago when the nation was at war,” Monitor National Marine Sanctuary archaeologist Joseph Hoyt, who is also the projects' principal investigator, says...
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Pingie: HTTP:: US politician quits after sex tape scandal

HTTP:: US politician quits after sex tape scandal
p2pnet news view | P2P | Politics:- What with all the Nekked Pix scandals circulating online, it’s refreshing to come across a sex tape story which instead centres on an(other) American politician.nA California state assemblyman who’s, “strongly championed traditional values,” resigned after a TV station broadcast footage of him bragging to colleagues, “about his extra-marital [...]
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Pingie: HTTP:: An extremely obscure issue

HTTP:: An extremely obscure issue
p2pnet news view P2P:- Recently, Crosbie Fitch and I have been debating what â€" at first â€" might seem like an extremely obscure issue, but in fact, as I see it, illustrates a simple â€" but potentially devastating â€" truth:n‘Physical’ property and ‘intellectual’ property are, fundamentally opposed to one another.nLet me see if I [...]
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Pingie: HTTP:: DirectX 11 for Windows Vista SP2 Available for Download

HTTP:: DirectX 11 for Windows Vista SP2 Available for Download
Microsoft is beginning to backport Windows 7 features to Windows Vista, and as an integral part of the process, the company is also upgrading Vista’s graphics technology to the level of Windows 7. In this regard, the Redmond-based company has made available for download the Beta development milestone of the Platform Update for Windows Vista. It is via the Platform Update for Windows Vista Beta that users running the second service pack for Vista will be able to access the new DirectX 11 package, and bring the operating system that succeeded Windows XP on par with Windows 7. Essentially, what Vista SP2 users will be getting is the latest iteration of the DirectX platform. DirectX 11 is in no way a single component. It is, however, a sum of technologies packaged together. The Platform Update for Windows Vista Beta offers the complete new DirectX package, allowing end users and developers to take advantage of components such as DirectWrite, Direct2D, Direct3D 11, Direct3D 10!
Level 9, and DXGI 1.1. In addition, the download will also deliver Windows Graphics, Imaging, and XPS Library updates to the Windows Imaging Components, XPS Print API, and the XPS Rasterization Service. Following the integration of the Platform Update for Windows Vista Beta, customers will have the same DirectX technologies on Windows...
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Pingie: HTTP:: How to evade throttling with uTorrent

HTTP:: How to evade throttling with uTorrent
p2pnet news view Freedom | P2P:- Bell Canada and other major ISPs throttle â€" censor? â€" users’ online accounts, disingenuously claiming people who share files with each other are to blame.nA  little more than a year ago p2pnet ran an item explaining how to get around around what the telcos euphemistically call ‘traffic management’.nNow, under [...]
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Pingie: HTTP:: Google to let booksellers sell Google books

HTTP:: Google to let booksellers sell Google books
p2pnet news view Politics | Advertising:- Giant online advertising company Google generously says it’ll open its digital book collection so rivals can sell Google books online.nBut, says The Register, “it’s worth noting this sort of affiliate program is already discussed in Google’s 134-page settlement. And the offer would only apply if the controversial pact [...]
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Pingie: HTTP:: Guide Your Hero to Victory in Runenmeister

HTTP:: Guide Your Hero to Victory in Runenmeister
This is a map for the game Warcraft III that can be played only if you have the Frozen Throne expansion pack installed.At the start of the map, you will have to choose your difficulty level. This system is quite nice and quite unique: you have to write: -level x (where x is a number between one and ten, five being the normal level of difficulty).The objective of the map is to destroy the undead demon portals. Each time one of them is destroyed, another portal will be opened. When you will have destroyed the last portal, the game will be over, and you a victorious player. If all the Runemasters lose their homes, the game will also be over, with you being the loser.The gameplay is pretty simple: you have one lane that goes zig-zagging all the way to the North-Eastern part of the map. The first portal is pretty close, and, when you destroy it, you will be able to walk further across the lane, to destroy the next portal that was created further away. Keep to the path and destro!
y every portal that comes across.This map has a special and very fun way to learn new abilities. You get to buy them. All abilities from Warcraft III and the Frozen Throne can be bought at the center of the Runemasters home area. There are ten levels on all of the abilities and, for eac...
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Pingie: HTTP:: The Sandbox Heist

HTTP:: The Sandbox Heist
p2pnet news view | Crime:- A girl’s collection of Japanese cards was was stolen at knifepoint by a gang near Gothenburg in western Sweden, says The Local.nThe victim was only nine and her assailants were two boys aged 10.nThe collection? Pokemon cards.nThe boys and an as-yet unidentified playmate, “threatened the girl with a knife [...]
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Pingie: HTTP:: DRIV3R Hints II PS2

DRIV3R, also known as Driver 3, is a videogame created by Reflections Interactive and published by Atari. It was released for the PlayStation 2 console from Sony, the original Xbox from Microsoft, the Game Boy, the PC (a Game Cube version was also in production but got canceled). The game was also later ported to mobile phones. It was initially released in June 2005 and classed as a racing title played from a first and a third person perspective. Driver 3 incorporates elements of a shooter, fighting and spy adventure game.The third iteration in the series builds upon the legacy of Driver 2, allowing the gamer to again play the undercover cop who infiltrates an international band of thieves and is determined to get them to face justice. The main character is Tanner, the cop known from the previous releases, but one mission allows players to also control Tobias Jones. Some of the cars that could be used in the game, although not named as such, are: 1969 Ford Mustang, 1975 Pon!
tiac Firebird, Citroen CX, Aston Martin DB5, U-Haul Semi Truck, Ferrari Testarossa Convertible, Renault Alpine, Lamborghini Jalpa, BMW 507, Seat Ibiza, General Motors New Look Bus, Lamborghini Countach, Ford GT40, Shelby Cobra, a go-kart, Volkswagen Microbus, a hot rod, a forklift, a pre-war Auto Union race car and a Bugatti Royale.DRIV3R was widely c...
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Pingie: HTTP:: Speeding pigeon beats SA s Telkom

HTTP:: Speeding pigeon beats SA s Telkom
p2pnet news view P2P:- How embarrassing.nIn a speed trial, South Africa IT firm sent Winston, a homing pigeon, against the country’s biggest web firm, Telkom.nAnd Winston won.nHe flew from Howick (outside Pietermaritzburg) to Hillcrest (outside Durban) on Wednesday morning, “to prove that he is faster at transferring 4GB of data than a landline,” says [...]
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Pingie: HTTP:: Download PowerShell 2 0 RC for XP SP3

HTTP:: Download PowerShell 2 0 RC for XP SP3
Microsoft is pushing forward with the backporting of PowerShell 2.0 to Windows Vista and Windows XP, as well as older releases of Windows Server. PowerShell 2.0 is available as a default component of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. However, the company promised that IT professionals using PowerShell in their environments would also be able to leverage the enhancements introduced with version 2.0 on Windows releases preceding Windows 7. Microsoft is not quite there yet, but it’s certainly working its way to that point. In this regard, the software giant has made yet another step in the right direction. As of September 10th, 2009, IT pros will be able to download and run the Release Candidate development milestone of PowerShell 2.0 for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. “Good things come to those who wait. Please download these bits and let us know if you have any problems with them. Just to be clear, this download contains the latest version of both PowerShell and!
WINRM,” revealed Jeffrey Snover [MSFT] Distinguished Engineer. In addition to offering PowerShell 2.0 RTM in Windows 7 RTM, Microsoft has already made it possible for IT pros to grab the RC build for version 2.0. However, only the releases tailored to Windows Vista and Windows Sever 2008 were made available. This is no longer the ...
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Pingie: HTTP:: Twitter Updates ToS to Provide for Possible Ads

HTTP:: Twitter Updates ToS to Provide for Possible Ads
With the huge influx of users and attention, Twitter is also attracting the “wrong crowd” to its service and spam and all manners of unwanted messages. Twitter has been taking some steps in that direction and now it's also updating its Terms of Service to help fight them, while also touching up on other areas like advertising, APIs and tweet ownership, though none of the changes is in any way spectacular or controversial. “Now that we know more about how Twitter is being used, we've made changes to our Terms of Serviceâ€"these are the basic rules that go along with using Twitter. The revisions more appropriately reflect the nature of Twitter and convey key issues such as ownership. For example, your tweets belong to you, not to Twitter. With these revisions, we expect some discussion so here are a few highlights from the updated page,” Co-founder Biz Stone wrote in a post clarifying some issues with the new ToS. Stone went on to highlight some of the changes tha!
t might interest more users. Advertising is now more clearly fleshed out in the ToS, as Twitter wants to keep all revenue options opened, while it has no clear plans of introducing ads to the service anytime soon. Stone also wanted to clarify the tweet-ownership issue, just to be on the safe side, but this is not a ...
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Pingie: HTTP:: Ugly Friends Make You Look Better Studies Show

HTTP:: Ugly Friends Make You Look Better Studies Show
They sometimes say that women know what makes them always look good, no matter what: a less attractive friend to go out with. Several theories claim that most women do this in real life without even being aware of it, or the direct implications, but recent studies show that, whichever may be the case, it’s still true: ugly friends automatically make one look better by contrast, as the Daily Mail also points out. The difference doesn’t even have to be that striking â€" say, like it was in Paris Hilton’s romantic comedy (and epic failure at the box-office) “The Hottie and the Nottie.” People surrounding themselves with friends a couple of degrees down in terms of looks usually attract more attention for their appearance, studies say. This is explained by the contrast the two or more people make with their different levels of attractiveness, experts say. “If your friend is unattractive that makes you relatively more attractive.” Anthony Little of the Stirling !
University tells the Daily Mail, saying that perception is altered by said contrast. On the same reasoning, going out with a friend that is deemed anything upwards beautiful may cast you in a bad light, by making you look ugly, which would certainly not apply if you were alone or in the company of people ...
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Pingie: HTTP:: Facebook does a strip tease

HTTP:: Facebook does a strip tease
p2pnet news view Advertising | P2P:- Social advertising site Fa$ebook has launched another version for people with not-so-good net connections.nThe Lite site, “will be faster and simpler because it offers fewer services than the main site,” says the BBC, noting, “Initially it is meant to support users in developing countries and where bandwidth constraints [...]
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Pingie: HTTP:: A Data Also Rolls Out 640GB Portable HDDs

HTTP:: A Data Also Rolls Out 640GB Portable HDDs
This might as well have been storage day, given the high number of new product releases that have fallen in this category and have been announced today or in the recent days. On that note, it appears that A-Data has decided to lose no time in announcing its customers that it's ready to provide them with a new, upgraded product portfolio. The company has just informed that it is now ready to deliver as much as 640GB of storage space, in its line of 2.5-inch, external, portable hard drive family. Closely following in the footsteps of its competitors, including Western Digital, Samsung and Toshiba, A-Data announced today the addition of the new, 640GB storage capacity to its entire line of 2.5-inch, portable hard drives. According to the company, the portfolio, which includes models like the Classic CH-91 and the NH 92 series, will provide users with a choice for the higher-capacity storage solution, in a portable package. As you can expect from any respectable, external stor!
age solution, the updated drives are featured with a traditional USB 2.0 interface, allowing them to be connected to any computer system. Unfortunately, the company hasn't yet unveiled when the new, increased-capacity solutions are going to be made available, although it is bound to kick them out the door as soon as possible, in an attempt ...
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Pingie: HTTP:: Crysis Running on the iPhone Thanks to AMD 039 s DirectX 11 GPUs

HTTP:: Crysis Running on the iPhone Thanks to AMD 039 s DirectX 11 GPUs
The iPhone, Apple's entrance in the world of mobiles and handhelds, is one of the world's most popular devices, having already reached its 3rd generation. Crysis is also one of the most popular products in its category, being considered a benchmark for new computer hardware, due to its strong visual requirements. On that note, the two products have recently come together as part of an AMD demonstration that has been intended to provide the audience with a perspective on how much power its next-generation GPU architecture is going to deliver. To be more exact, AMD's upcoming DirectX 11 graphics cards have been used to demonstrate how Crysis can run on Apple's iPhone. According to a recent news article on Ars Technica, the Sunnyvale, California-based chip maker has recently held a press event, showcasing some of the performance capabilities of its next-generation GPUs, the much-anticipated Radeon HD 5800-series. The chip maker has been accompanied by a series of software par!
tners, among which there has been OTOY, a company that has demoed Crysis running on the iPhone. As a quick reminder, AMD's next-generation GPUs are expected to provide users with a considerable number of new features, including the capability to deliver 2.5 teraFLOPS of floating-point power. In addition, the new card w...
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Pingie: HTTP:: British PM s online apology to Alan Turing

HTTP:: British PM s online apology to Alan Turing
p2pnet news view | P2P | Politics:- Alan Mathison Turing, OBE, FRS (right), often called the founder of computer science, was a genius.nHis work at Bletchley Park, Britain’s codebreaking centre during World War II, helped the Allies to victory.nTime Magazine named him one of the 100 most important people of the 20th century.nHe was also [...]
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Pingie: HTTP:: Uganda riots enter second day

HTTP:: Uganda riots enter second day
At least nine killed as police clash with supporters of traditional king.
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Pingie: HTTP:: FriendFeed Open Sources Internal Tornado Framework

HTTP:: FriendFeed Open Sources Internal Tornado Framework
Since Facebook acquired FriendFeed last month, everyone has been wondering what's going to happen to the service and the technology behind it. Many were speculating that Facebook will incorporate some components at some point, or at least some feature. But no one really expected Facebook to open-source an important part of the technology, which is exactly what it did, by releasing Tornado, a real-time framework for Python, built to handle a massive amount of data in a short period of time. “Tornado is a relatively simple, non-blocking Web server framework written in Python, designed to handle thousands of simultaneous connections, making it ideal for real-time Web services. Tornado is a core piece of infrastructure that powers FriendFeed's real-time functionality, which we plan to actively maintain. While Tornado is similar to existing Web-frameworks in Python (Django, Google's webapp,, it focuses on speed and handling large amounts of simultaneous traffic,” Da!
vid Recordon made the announcement on the Facebook blog. Originally developed by FriendFeed, the framework is used to power the real-time features of the site. With its focus on speed and throughput, it makes a perfect base to build a real-time service on top of, something that similar frameworks, though perfectly suited f...
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Pingie: HTTP:: Download Cocktail 4 5 Snow Leopard Edition

HTTP:: Download Cocktail 4 5 Snow Leopard Edition
Cocktail 4.5 is a new edition of Cocktail for users running Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard). Besides adding Mac OS X 10.6 compatibility, Cocktail 4.5 also includes 64-bit support and major speed improvements to Pilot. The new version of the software also contains an overhauled Sparkle update framework, updated Automator actions and updated help files. Cocktail allows Mac OS X users to fine-tune their systems, enabling or disabling journaling for disks, repairing disk permissions, or setting disk spindown time. Power users looking to tweak their entire system can run periodic maintenance scripts, enable or disable the Spotlight indexing of selected disks, erase the Spotlight index for selected disks, rebuild the Launch Services database, and more. Mac owners using Cocktail can also customize the look and feel of Finder, Dock and the login window, making it easy to prebind and re-prebind their entire system or selected folders, run cron scripts, change startup mode and languag!
e, force empty trash, update “whatis,” locate databases, etc. Cocktail also allows Mac owners to delete locked or inaccessible items, and access and delete invisible DS Store files at one’s will. Readers can immediately obtain a free trial version of Cocktail using the first download link below. When unregiste...
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Pingie: HTTP:: Israel celebration sparks protests at TIFF

HTTP:: Israel celebration sparks protests at TIFF
p2pnet news view Politics | Movies:- Harry Belafonte and Noam Chomsky are among famous activists who’ve signed a declaration opposing the Toronto film festival’s decision to showcase Tel Aviv in its inaugural City to City program.n“On the other hand,” continues the Toronto Star, “filmmakers Ivan Reitman, Robert Lantos and David Cronenberg and actress Minnie [...]
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Pingie: CNN.C: Taiwans Chen sentenced to life

CNN.C: Taiwans Chen sentenced to life
Former Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian was convicted on corruption charges and sentenced to life in prison Friday, according to officials at Taipei City Court.
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Pingie: TORRE: Label Executive Arrested in DV8 Music Piracy Investigation

TORRE: Label Executive Arrested in DV8 Music Piracy Investigation
Back in June, TorrentFreak reported that major online music release group DV8 had been severely disrupted after a police and music industry investigation led to arrests. Aside from an IFPI press release a few days later confirming our reports, little news has surfaced. Today we can report that there have been further arrests.
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Pingie: HTTP:: Apple Releases iMac Graphics FW Update 1 0 2 HP Printer Drivers for OS X 10 6

HTTP:: Apple Releases iMac Graphics FW Update 1 0 2 HP Printer Drivers for OS X 10 6
In tandem with the release of the 10.6.1 update to Snow Leopard, Apple rolled out a bunch of other updates, including iMac Graphics FW Update 1.0.2 and drivers for HP Printers running under OS X 10.6. The downloads are freely available right here, on Softpedia. Talking about the iMac Graphics FW Update 1.0.2, Apple reveals that it’s aimed at iMac computers with an ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro or an ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT graphics card installed, running Mac OS X 10.5.2 (Leopard) or later. “It updates the graphics card firmware on the ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro or ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT graphics card in the iMac to improve system stability,” Apple explains. Posted September 10, 2009, iMac Graphics FW Update 1.0.2 supports several languages, including Deutsch, English, Français, Español, Italiano, Nederlands, Dansk, Norsk Bokmål, Polski, Português, Português Brasileiro, Pусский, Suomi, Svensk, Chinese, Japanese and Korean. The package containing HP Printer Drivers for !
Mac OS X v10.6 “includes the latest HP printing and scanning software for Snow Leopard,” Apple says. Requiring Mac OS X v10.6.1 or later, the 380MB installer application supports all the aforementioned languages and is free to download.
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Pingie: HTTP:: 9 women victims of fake reality show

HTTP:: 9 women victims of fake reality show
p2pnet news view TV | Crime:- Nine women in Turkey walk freely into a villa under the impression they’d be taking part in a Big Brother-style reality TV show.nThey were reportedly made to sign a contract that banned them from any outside contact and ordered them to pay a 50,000 Lira ($33,000, £20,000) fine [...]
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Pingie: HTTP:: MetroPCS Announced Coverage Expansion in Michigan

HTTP:: MetroPCS Announced Coverage Expansion in Michigan
Wireless carrier MetroPCS announced on Thursday the expansion of its coverage in Michigan. According to the company, residents of Kalamazoo and Battle Creek, as well as Charlotte, Galesburg, Lawton, Marshall, Martin, Mattawan, Olivet, Ostego, Plainwell, Portage, Potterville, Richland and Schoolcraft, have now the opportunity to opt for the operator's offering, namely unlimited, flat-rate, no signed contract wireless communications services.“MetroPCS is excited to be expanding its Michigan coverage into Kalamazoo and Battle Creek, providing residents with an even more extensive coverage area and convenience when it comes to wireless experience,” said Glen Flowers, vice president and general manager, MetroPCS Michigan. “Now more than ever, consumers are looking to reduce their expenses and streamline their wireless plans, and MetroPCS will help them do just that. We're committed to bringing our customers affordable and worry-free wireless service that they can depend on!
.”The mobile phone operator also announced that it plans to continue its coverage expansion in the state of Michigan, from Detroit to Grand Rapids. There are three authorized MetroPCS dealer stores in Kalamazoo and the company intends to open seven more before the end of the ongoing year. In Battle Creek, the carrie...
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Pingie: HTTP:: HP Mini 311 to Sport NVIDIA ION LE Chipset 11 6 Inch Display

HTTP:: HP Mini 311 to Sport NVIDIA ION LE Chipset 11 6 Inch Display
With Microsoft's Windows 7 OS launch just a few weeks away, it looks like major PC vendors are gearing up to provide their customers with the much-anticipated NVIDIA ION-based systems that were reportedly held off until the debut of the said OS. With that in mind, rumors of a new HP Mini series of laptops have recently surfaced on the Internet, pointing to a new Mini 311 laptop that will combine Intel's highly successful Atom N270 processor with the NVIDIA ION-LE edition, to provide users with an 11.6-inch netbook that can offer HD video support. According to a recent article that has surfaced on notebookitalia, the new netbook will be available with both the HP Mini (311) and the Compaq Mini (311c) branding. The system will be configured with an Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz processor, coupled with 1GB of DDR2 memory, a 160GB hard drive and the NVIDIA ION-LE graphics chip, powering the 11.6-inch (1366 x 768-pixel) display. Obviously, as you'd expect from a system in its category!
, the laptop is also featured with all the casual connectivity options, including Wi-Fi b/g, Bluetooth, Ethernet, HDMI, VGA, a 5-in-1 card reader and three USB 2.0 ports. The system is built on NVIDIA's ION-LE, which will enable the PC vendor to market it with Microsoft's Windows XP Home SP3, as the chipset comes with Dir...
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Pingie: HTTP:: Caster Semenya Is Both Male and Female

HTTP:: Caster Semenya Is Both Male and Female
Caster Semenya, the 18-year-old athlete who became the 800m world champion in August, has been shown to have both male and female organs following gender testing demanded by The International Association of Athletics Federations. The official results of the tests have yet to be made public, but reports coming form inside the IAAF claim that, when they are revealed, they will show that Semenya is a hermaphrodite, the New York Daily News informs. Speculation on the athlete’s gender first started when one of the other women in the competition told the media, at the end of it, that she had been defeated by a man. The theories that were immediately put into circulation were that either Caster was a man who had posed as a woman to win the title (not unheard of in sports), or that she had a genetic condition. The latter turned out to be the case, and experts are now said to be considering urging her to have surgery for the condition that can be extremely dangerous for her heal!
th. “Tests show that controversial runner Caster Semenya is a woman ... and a man! The 18-year-old South African champ has no womb or ovaries and her testosterone levels are more than three times higher than those of a normal female, according to reports. The tests, ordered by The International Association of Athletics Federations af...
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Pingie: HTTP:: Introducing Motorola CLIQ with Android

HTTP:: Introducing Motorola CLIQ with Android
Mobile phone maker Motorola has finally unveiled to the world the first device it plans on releasing to the market under Google's Android operating system, the Motorola CLIQ. The new handset comes in a sliding form factor, while sporting a touchscreen display and a QWERTY keyboard, and features Motorola's own user interface, called MOTOBLUR.The specifications list of the new Motorola CLIQ show a 3.1-inch screen that boasts a 320 x 480 pixel (HVGA) resolution, a 5-megapixel photo snapper that also comes with auto focus, geo tagging and picture editing, as well as WCDMA 900/1700/2100, GSM 850/900/1800/1900, HSDPA 7.2 Mbps (Category 7/8), EDGE, GPRS Class 12 connectivity options. On the connectivity side, the new Android mobile phone from Motorola also includes stereo Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR, Wi-Fi 802.11 b,g and MicroUSB 2.0 high-speed capabilities, as well as a 3.5mm audio jack. In addition, the device comes with proximity sensor and ambient light sensor, as well as with an acce!
lerometer and with built-in GPS receiver. Those who will opt for Motorola's CLIQ handset will also have the opportunity to enjoy a music player with support for AAC, AAC+, AAC+ Enhanced, AMR NB, MIDI, MP3, WAV file formats, as well as a video player with support for H.264, H.263, MPEG 4, YouTube playback and MPEG 4, 3GP video stream...
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Pingie: HTTP:: Discovery 039 s Landing Delayed by Thunderstorms

HTTP:: Discovery 039 s Landing Delayed by Thunderstorms
Despite having not one, but two landing windows yesterday, the space shuttle Discovery was unable to take advantage of any of them, as stormy clouds and thunderstorms loomed over the Kennedy Space Center, in Cape Canaveral, Florida. According to NASA officials, the seven-member crew aboard the spacecraft have another window of opportunity this evening, at 5:48 pm EDT (2148 GMT). They admit, however, that conditions may actually grow worse by then, and that the storms might intensify. Florida is notorious for its shifting and highly dynamic weather patterns. They bring forth clouds and lightning over minutes, and clear up the skies in the same amount of time, at unpredictable moments. In fact, mission controllers for the STS-128 flight say, the decision to cancel the shuttle's descent yesterday evening came down from the management as little as eight minutes before the actual related maneuvers were scheduled to begin. Thursday's landing opportunities began with a planned !
deorbit burn, scheduled for 5:59 pm EDT [2159 GMT] and a daylight landing at 7:05 pm [2305 GMT] The next opportunity was one hour after sunset, with the deorbit burn at 7:36 pm EDT and the landing at 8:42 pm EDT. According to NASA officials, the space shuttle has sufficient amounts of fuel and other supplies to remain in orbit until S...
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Pingie: HTTP:: U S must lead at G20 on climate says group

HTTP:: U S must lead at G20 on climate says group
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States should show decisive leadership at the Group of 20 summit in Pittsburgh this month and rally heads of state to prepare for the next global crisis -- climate change.n n
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Pingie: HTTP:: U S must lead at G20 on climate development group

HTTP:: U S must lead at G20 on climate development group
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States should show decisive leadership at the Group of 20 summit in Pittsburgh this month and rally heads of state to prepare for the next global crisis -- climate change.n n
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Pingie: HTTP:: Deaths as Yemen rejects talks

HTTP:: Deaths as Yemen rejects talks
Deadly fighting continues in north as government rejects opposition talks proposal.
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Pingie: HTTP:: 039 Hidden 039 Memories Are Still in the Brain

HTTP:: 039 Hidden 039 Memories Are Still in the Brain
Scientists at the University of California in Irvine (UCI) have recently demonstrated, in a study on college students, that memories once thought lost actually still reside within the brain. The find was made using advanced brain-imaging techniques, the experts report in the latest issue of the journal Neuron. The main question that arose after this find was made was what precisely caused the brain to forget these memories, or simply become unable to access them, despite them still being there. “Even though your brain still holds this information, you might not always have access to it,” UCI neurologist Jeffrey Johnson, the author of the report, says in the Wednesday issue of the journal. He adds that recalling a certain memory triggers inside the brain the same activation patterns that were generated when the memory was first formed. Still, along the way, something happens, in that these patterns must suffer some modifications, if they become unrecognizable. What thes!
e changes are is still a mystery, Wired reports. Referring to lost details, Johnson says that, “It wasn’t quite clear what happens to them. But even when people claim that there are no details attached to their memories, we could still pick some of those details out.” The new studies were conducted using funct...
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Pingie: HTTP:: Pelosi Afghan surge lacks support

HTTP:: Pelosi Afghan surge lacks support
House speaker says there is little support for sending more troops to Afghanistan.
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Pingie: HTTP:: Apple Slams the Nintendo DS and PlayStation Portable

HTTP:: Apple Slams the Nintendo DS and PlayStation Portable
When it comes to gaming on the move, the Nintendo DS and the PlayStation Portable recently got to meet a new challenger in the Apple-made iPhone. Both Nintendo and Sony have long regarded the new device as lacking the power and the public needed to compete with the long established handhelds. But now Apple has made the competition personal, claiming at its most recent press conference that the game library for both the PSP and the DS are limited and that the cost of gaming on those platforms is actually to high.Philip W. Schiller, who is the senior vice president of worldwide product marketing at Apple, has specifically said that the iPhone and the iPod touch, which is powered by the same operating system, were better at gaming than the PlayStation Portable and the Nintendo DS. His main point was about the price of videogames, which go up to just 9.99 dollars on the iPhone, with most of them priced much lower and promotions regularly taking them down to 0.99, while the usua!
l price on the handhelds is 39.99.Apple is also saying that the catalog of games for its products is much larger. There are 3,680 videogames you can pick up for the DS and 607 for the PSP, while Apple offers, through the App Store, 21,178 applications in the Game and the Entertainment categories. Of course, not all of those are ac...
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Pingie: HTTP:: Innovation to Use Graphite as Data Storage Medium

HTTP:: Innovation to Use Graphite as Data Storage Medium
Experts from the Rice University have recently announced new progress in nanotechnology research. They found a new way of using graphite, a basic carbon compound that makes up the inside of pencils, as a reprogrammable gate array. This could bring about a revolution in integrated-circuit logic design, which could, in turn, further the research for very dense and stable, nonvolatile memories, for a wide array of digital devices, from mobile phones to computers. The investigation was conducted in the lab of the RU Chao Professor of Chemistry James Tour. The expert is also a professor of mechanical engineering and materials science, and of computer science at the university. He collaborated closely with Alexander Sinitskii, a postdoctoral research associate for the new study, which was published in the latest online issue of the respected journal ACS Nano. The team essentially found a way of depositing ten-nanometer stripes of amorphous graphite onto silicon, using nothing b!
ut an industry-standard lithographic technique. “We're using chemical vapor deposition and lithography â€" techniques the industry understands. That makes this a good alternative to our previous carbon-coated nanocable devices, which perform well but are very difficult to manufacture,” Tour explains. The two were fun...
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Pingie: HTTP:: Janet Jackson to Come Out with Diet and Self Esteem Book

HTTP:: Janet Jackson to Come Out with Diet and Self Esteem Book
It’s often being said that, as a celebrity who is constantly in the spotlight, a woman is either too skinny or not skinny enough, and that nothing she does regarding her weight will ever please everybody. Janet Jackson is certainly not a stranger to this, her weight oscillating through the years from a full figure to slim and excessively toned, with a very enviable and well-defined six pack. Her book on diet and emotional eating will explain all this, as she tells Harper’s Bazaar. Janet can go up and down in dress sizes depending on what’s going on in her personal life, the singer reveals in an exclusive interview for the aforementioned magazine. She became an emotional eater when she was still young and would be left behind at home while her brothers would go on tour. She has taken this habit of trying to find comfort and escape in eating when upset to adulthood, and this is precisely the kind of relationship that she’ll explore in “True You,” her upcoming di!
et and self-esteem book. “It was originally about weight loss. But I wanted it to be more about my triggers. I can be an emotional eater. Of late, I have been doing that, yes. It started when I was very little. My brothers were gone on tour a lot, and I would miss them so much. Certain things in...
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Pingie: HTTP:: Bad Bananas 039 Glow 039 Blue in Ultraviolet Wavelengths

HTTP:: Bad Bananas 039 Glow 039 Blue in Ultraviolet Wavelengths
An international group of researchers has recently discovered the fact that banana peels, which may be a clear indicator that the fruits have gone bad on the inside, do not change their aspect as they deteriorate. At least not in visible wavelengths. When researchers placed the peels under ultraviolet (UV) light, they discovered that, if spoiled, they gave off a blue glow. The team determined that this was caused by chlorophyll aging and beginning to disintegrate, the US National Science Foundation (NSF) informs. In charge of the new investigation were experts Nicholas Turro, from the Columbia University, and Bernhard Krautler, from the University of Innsbruck. In their new paper, which appears in the latest issue of the respected journal Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences (PNAS), they show that chemists and molecular biologists could have a field day with the new-found knowledge. If molecules become “trackable” in UV light when they are around dying tis!
sue, then the research holds promise for further investigating the process known as programmed cellular death (PCD). “This work brings to fruition some of the remarkable principles of fundamental organic photochemistry harvested from more than four decades of Professor Turro's research at Columbia,” NSF Ch...
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Pingie: TORRE: Run a Free BitTorrent Tracker on Google

TORRE: Run a Free BitTorrent Tracker on Google
With both the Pirate Bay and OpenBitTorrent trackers down at the moment, many people are unable to download torrents unless they enable DHT. Luckily there are a few backup trackers that people can use, and thanks to Google's free App Engine, everyone can setup a tracker of their own in a few minutes.
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Pingie: HTTP:: How Sugababe Keisha Buchanan Got a Flat Abdomen

HTTP:: How Sugababe Keisha Buchanan Got a Flat Abdomen
Keisha Buchanan, the only original member of the Sugababes, had some problems with her yo-yo-ing weight at one point, but she has finally found a way to a flat stomach and she didn’t even have to go to the gym for it. Cutting out KFC junk food and crisps, two of Keisha’s favorites, has helped her get in perfect shape for the shooting of the video of the band’s latest single, the singer reveals for the Daily Mail. Before beginning to shoot the video, Keisha knew she had to do something about her weight. While she would have never considered losing too many pounds by going on some fad diet or, even worse, starving herself, she knew she had to lose the belly flab, she admits. So, she cut all junk food from her diet and, to her surprise, she managed to get in shape for the shoot without even having to go to the gym, the singer explains. “I’m happy if I have a flat stomach and an hourglass figure, and now I’m pretty much there. I realized I couldn’t get away with !
eating KFC and crisps all the time. So I’ve given them up. I was determined my [posterior] was going to get into that leotard [for the video shoot]. We’re working on our new video next week too and I definitely feel more confident now.” Keisha explains for the Mail. However, ...
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Pingie: HTTP:: Grant Fidelity Announces a New Reference CD Player Loaded with Tubes

HTTP:: Grant Fidelity Announces a New Reference CD Player Loaded with Tubes
The new Grant Fidelity Reference Tube CD-1000 CD player might be one of the elite choices you could ever make when looking to spend less than $5,000 on a high-end player with looks that could kill. Codenamed the Impression II, this new CD player boasts a promising array of features that will most likely attract a heap of customers. If we were to judge upon the looks alone, the Grant Fidelity Reference Tube CD-1000 would definitely be among the winners: somehow shaped like a butterfly with wide open wings, this player sports a look that's simultaneously delicate and rough, with fluid lines and exquisite accents.  But there is more to this architecture than mere looks: each of the prominent rounded corners houses a cluster of technology so the space in the middle of the case remains free. It is here where the separated CD drive chassis has been placed, in the middle of a shock-absorbing structure which minimizes the vibrations to a minimum. [img=2]The Impression II is based!
on Toshiba components: the servo system comprises TOSHIBA-TA2125AF, TOSHIBA-2157F and TOSHIBA-TC94A14F sub-systems for the best, smooth performance. The audio section sports a high-class completely in...
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Pingie: HTTP:: p2pnet World Headlines Sept 10 2009

HTTP:: p2pnet World Headlines Sept 10 2009
Premier Campbell Refused to Disclose Holdings The TyreenOther ministers revealed they invest in industries their decisions influence. Premier Gordon Campbell declined to disclose his stock holdings before the election, but most of his cabinet members did reveal their portfolios. In at least four cases, they hold stocks in industries their ministry does business with or [...]
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Pingie: HTTP:: Earth 039 s Oxidation Tracked with Chromium Isotopes

HTTP:: Earth 039 s Oxidation Tracked with Chromium Isotopes
One of the basic facts of life is clearly the knowledge that life on our planet cannot survive without oxygen. When the Earth first formed, there was a very small concentration of the gas, maybe less than one percent of the total atmosphere. However, two big oxidation events were recorded over the eons, both of which eventually determined the appearance of complex life. Now, new studies of these events, conducted based on chromium-isotope analysis, reveal more puzzling questions about the early days. The Great Oxidation Event (GOE) was the first instance in which the oxygen concentration in our planet's atmosphere increased noticeably since the Earth solidified from a ball of hot magma. Until now, experts believed that it took place some 2.45 to 2.2 billion years ago, based on evidence collected from analyzing molybdenum and rhenium isotopes, among isotopes of other metals. The second steep rise was estimated to have taken place some 750 million years ago, when the condit!
ions again became appropriate for the development of more complex organisms. By analyzing samples of banded iron formations â€" an iron-rich sedimentary rock â€" dating from around and in between the two main periods of intense oxygen increases, experts from the University of Copenhagen, in Denmark, led by researcher Rob...
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Pingie: HTTP::

Premier Campbell Refused to Disclose Holdings The TyreenOther ministers revealed they invest in industries their decisions influence. Premier Gordon Campbell declined to disclose his stock holdings before the election, but most of his cabinet members did reveal their portfolios. In at least four cases, they hold stocks in industries their ministry does business with or [...]
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Pingie: HTTP:: French Sony Music boss insults anti Hadopi crew

HTTP:: French Sony Music boss insults anti Hadopi crew
p2pnet news view | P2P | Music:- “These people, they would have sold butter to the Germans during the war”.nThe words belong to Sony Music’s boss in France, Christophe Lameignere (right) who, not at all coincidentally, is also president of the SNEP (Syndicat National de l’édition Phonographique), the French version of the RIAA.nFrance is [...]
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Pingie: HTTP:: Pamela Anderson Wants to Grow Old Gracefully

HTTP:: Pamela Anderson Wants to Grow Old Gracefully
Pneumatic babe Pamela Anderson still has a great figure and, more importantly, the willingness to flaunt it on the catwalk, for which reason iconic designer Vivienne Westwood chose her to be the muse and face of her collections. In a recent interview with Elle magazine, Pamela also admits she has no skincare program and is looking to grow old gracefully, as Mr. Paparazzi can confirm. The former glamor model, recently spotted on a beach outing with her current boyfriend, admits out loud that, while she’s not a fan of Botox or other beauty treatments, she also never uses sunscreen. Anderson is, as her fans must know, a regular on the Malibu beach near her home, so it’s only understandable why so many media outlets have already rushed to point out that this is perhaps the reason why her face looks so aged and spotted. Be that as it may, at least her face is all natural, Pamela says. “What does it take to look like me? Not much, I don’t wear sunscreen. I don’t have!
a skincare program. I have no dermatologist and no cosmetic surgeon. Nothing’s been shot into this face.” the star insists. Moreover, despite the ongoing tendency with female stars (and even some male celebrities) to do a little nip here and tuck there to improve their appearance, Pamela is adamant that sh...
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