Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Multitasking Affects Focus Abilities

HTTP:: Multitasking Affects Focus Abilities
In modern-day society, multitasking is one of those traits that are encouraged at the workplace and in private life, in spite of the fact that no one really knows what its effects are in the long run. It is only now that scientists are beginning to analyze the implications of this phenomenon, in several benchmark studies, whose results have been only recently published. They show that people who multitask are significantly worse in situations requiring focus and attention than their not-multitasking peers. In the recent studies, experts analyzed the behavior of students who were engaged in a large number of activities at the same time, such as answering instant messages, using their e-mail, speaking on their phone, holding video-conferences, and reading web text. In tests that required a great level of attention and focus, they fared significantly worse than their peers who were not distracted by that many actions done at the same time. Even participants themselves admitt!
ed that performing so many tasks all at once had modified the way they thought, and left them permanently and mildly distracted. Several studies concentrated on the influence that doing their homework in front of the TV had on children's homework abilities. They discovered a clearly negative correlation between the two, and urge parents not to...
http://news.softpedia.com/news/Multitasking-Affects-Focus-Abilities-119956.shtml This e-mail was sent by Experiment23 Inc., located in New York, NY
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