Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Mystery Morning Glory Clouds

HTTP:: Mystery Morning Glory Clouds
The Northern Australian Gulf of Carpentaria is every year the host of one of the most remarkable and strange atmospheric phenomena in the world. Dubbed the Morning Glory, it consists of rows of tubular clouds, which can span more than 1,000 kilometers in length. Although a beauty to behold, they cause problems for airplanes flying in the area even over windless days. Scientists have been studying them for a long time, but, until now, they have only found out that the peculiar formations are a form of roll clouds and nothing more. Theories on how the Morning Glory forms abound, but some of them have no contact with reality to speak of. Others make a little more sense, although the international scientific community has yet to reach any consensus on the issue. It can be best observed in autumn, in the skies over and around the town of Burketown, Queensland (population 200). Some of these formations can grow to a height of one to two kilometers, and can travel as fast as 35 !
miles per hour. As it moves over the land, the phenomenon causes a lot of disturbances in the regular flow of air, Wired reports. For instance, it generates sudden wind squalls, and intense low-level wind shears, as it rolls past. According to some measurements, a sharp pressure jump is also recorded at the surface, inconclusive with other readings col...
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