Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Chace Crawford on Gossip Girl Fame

HTTP:: Chace Crawford on Gossip Girl Fame
Chace Crawford is a relatively new presence on the scene because it’s not long that “Gossip Girl” elevated him to the status of international male icon â€" and also this year’s hottest bachelor, according to People magazine. At 24 and still a lot to prove of himself in front of the cameras, there are moments when he feels he can’t take more of the pressure and constant attention, Chace admits in a new interview with Interview magazine. The interview also comes with a stunning photospread in which Crawford channels Viggo Mortensen’s character Nikolai in the 2007 film “Eastern Promises.” However, it’s the piece in itself that draws the most attention, as it shows that, despite his relatively young age and against all estimates, this is not just a spoiled brat looking to cash in on his instant fame, as some nay-sayers depicted him in the past. Quite on the contrary, Chace is the exact opposite of that. Just like a few other male stars of the young generati!
on (Robert Pattinson being the first that comes to mind), Crawford does not like the attention and he certainly loathes having to speak of himself. “I’m the biggest believer in not talking. I don’t Twitter or MySpace or Facebook. I want to keep to myself. I don’t want to be out there. ...
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