Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Cereal Makers to Change Health Claims Under EU Crackdown

HTTP:: Cereal Makers to Change Health Claims Under EU Crackdown
Cereal makers are about to take a serious hit as a new EU regulation is being lined up. Because of the many health claims that come on cereal boxes, which often omit to include the extra amounts of sugar, salt and fat, the Food Standards Agency in the UK and the European Food Safety Authority (Efsa) will see that all cereal makers will no longer include health claims on the package unless they can also prove them scientifically, as Times Online informs. Major brands in the UK will be considerably affected by the crackdown, which will undoubtedly also take its toll on the £1.3-billion-a-year industry. At this point in time, the Efsa is investigating about 4,000 health claims made by various brands, some of which say they stimulate growth, improve digestion, offer a surplus of vitamins, and even protect the heart. All these are possible by means of extra ingredients that are, most of the time, not even mentioned on the package, because they contain high levels of fat, suga!
r or salt, well above the recommended limit. “Cereal manufacturers make a variety of health claims. Some are genuine, but other foods are heavily promoted on the basis of health claims for one ingredient, while unhealthy levels of sugar, fat and salt hardly get a mention.” Corinne Vaughan, deputy head of nut...
http://news.softpedia.com/news/Cereal-Makers-to-Change-Health-Claims-Under-EU-Crackdown-119901.shtml This e-mail was sent by Experiment23 Inc., located in New York, NY
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