Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Dog Day Raxco Discounts

HTTP:: Dog Day Raxco Discounts
Raxco hits its customers with a new wave of discounts for its products. This summer sale comes as an act against the Dog Days and aims at keeping your system cool and running. Slower access times translate into more heat being generated and a draggy computer. Counterattacking this involves maintaining the system in prime shape, and with the new 25% off offer from Raxco you benefit from underpriced products. The sale is available through August 31st and covers all Raxco products, whether they are destined for home users, businesses or corporations. Perfect Speed, the latest release from the company, is also included in the discount campaign, having its original price shrunk from $29.99 to $22.49. The flagship product, PerfectDisk Professional, which is currently at version 10, has a price tag $10 shorter than usual, being available for $29.99. All defragmenting solutions from Raxco are affected by the price cut, but the business products are those that shave off the big bu!
cks from the price tags. PerfectDisk 10 Enterprise Console, which allows centralized management across multiple computers, servers and virtual environments, suffered a $50 cutoff. The promotion runs all through August 31st and is available for any user. There is no catch, no gimmick. If you remember to type in the discount code (DOGDAYS25) after y...
http://news.softpedia.com/news/Dog-Day-Raxo-Discounts-120046.shtml This e-mail was sent by Experiment23 Inc., located in New York, NY
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