Monday, November 2, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Windows 7 SP1 Beta by the End of 2009 RTM in Mid 2010

HTTP:: Windows 7 SP1 Beta by the End of 2009 RTM in Mid 2010
Microsoft released Windows 7 to manufacturing on July 22nd, 2009, and then the operating system to the general public on October 22nd. But this does in no way mean that work on the platform stopped. In fact, as soon as it signed off on the Windows 7 code, the Redmond company moved forward with work on the first major upgrade for the Windows client, Service Pack 1. Wzor indicated that the software giant was planning to finalize the first Beta for Windows 7 SP1 by the end of this year, and to release the service pack to manufacturing in the summer of 2010 (via Neowin). According to Wzor, Microsoft has been hard at work on Windows 7 SP1 since the end of September 2009. Early adopters that have test-driven Windows 7 ahead of RTM might remember that the Redmond company shipped a few interim pre-final builds of Windows Vista’s successor that already contained Service Pack 1. To this day, Microsoft has offered little explanation as to why it integrated SP1 into Windows 7 before!
the product was finalized, but all indications point to the fact that the company was simply testing the service-pack delivery and integration mechanism. According to existing plans, Microsoft looks to finalize Windows 7 Beta 1 ahead of Christmas 2009. At the start of 2010, members of the company’s Technology Adoptio...
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