Monday, November 2, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Bacterial 039 Shield 039 Study Can Lead to Innovation in Therapy

HTTP:: Bacterial 039 Shield 039 Study Can Lead to Innovation in Therapy
Over recent years, scientists have made numerous, new discoveries in the field of microbiology and bacterial research, and one of the most important finds has been the fact that the microorganisms that cause chronic lung infections “speak” with each other. This communication is devastating for the human body, because the small pathogens can erect a shield that protects them against the immune system. Behind their cover, they can multiply out of control, and wreck havoc in the lungs, eventually leading to the death of the host, AlphaGalileo reports. These interactions now constitute the object of a new area of research that may yield completely new approaches to treating various types of bacterial infections in the future. A leading group of scientists from the University of Copenhagen and the Technical University of Denmark has recently identified one of the defense mechanisms that invading bacteria use. While analyzing the organism Pseudomonas aeruginosa, they have n!
oticed that it has the ability to start producing a class of molecules that destroys white blood cells in the bloodstream. Without white cells, it's impossible for the human body to mount any kind of effective defenses against a spreading infection, the experts say. The pathogens then go on to form a slimy layer thro...
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