Monday, November 2, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Softpedia Linux Weekly Issue 69

HTTP:: Softpedia Linux Weekly Issue 69
Welcome to the 69th issue of Softpedia Linux Weekly! The following Linux distributions were announced last week: Endian Firewall 2.3, Toorox 10.2009, Ubuntu 9.10 and openSUSE 11.2 RC2. In other news: Nvidia releases the new 190.42 video driver for Linux users, now with support for OpenGL 3.2. For this week, we had the pleasure of reviewing the PS3 Media Server 1.10.5 application. We are also proud to announce gedit is the "Application of the Month" for October! The weekly ends with the video clip of the week, the latest Linux distributions released/updated last week and the development releases. Summary: [tablec][row][col]· Announced Distro: Endian Firewall 2.3 Includes Lots of New Features · Announced Distro: Toorox 10.2009 Enables Desktop Effects for Many Video Cards · Announced Distro: Ubuntu 9.10 Officially Released · Announced Distro: openSUSE 11.2 RC2 Has Linux Kernel and Firefox 3.5.4 Other news: Amarok 2.2 Has a Completely New Look and Feel Appl!
ication of the Month: gedit Review of the Week: PS3 Media Server 1.10.5 Video Clip of the Week: Ubuntu 9.10 3D Desktop Video Players New Distributions: Leeenux 1.2, Lots of TurnKey Appliances, ALT Linux School Servers, and more... Distributions Updated Last...
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