Monday, November 2, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Sticky 039 Spider Sutures 039 Could Replace Surgical Adhesives

HTTP:: Sticky 039 Spider Sutures 039 Could Replace Surgical Adhesives
Spiders are best known for their ability to create intricate webs. Each species has its own weaving pattern, which it has developed over millions of years of evolution and that is perfectly adapted to its environment. For many years, materials scientists and other experts have been fascinated by the wonderful construct that a spider web thread is. The structure is both very elastic and amazingly strong, and it is also naturally produced. In a web, the multitude of threads ensures that the unlucky mosquito or butterfly that happenes to fly into the trap does not get out. But it can't do this based on elasticity and strength alone. The active ingredient in the mix is the fact that the wires also stick. As the spider weaves its web, it also produces molecules that adhere to the surface of the threads, and then to the body of anything unfortunate enough to come into contact with it. In essence, scientists explain, the stuff acts like a highly effective form of glue that has e!
volved to become almost inescapable. Until now, experts have only been able to determine that the substance used to make the threads sticky is some sort of glycoprotein, a type of complex sugary polymer. But the genetic mechanisms that code for it, and the pathways employed in its production have remained a mystery to science....
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