Monday, November 2, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Illegal File Sharers Spend More on Music

HTTP:: Illegal File Sharers Spend More on Music
The music business is changing and there's nothing that anyone can do, including the huge music labels, to stop that. However, while the record labels try to cling on to their dying business model, yet another study shows that those who download music illegally are also the ones who spend more on it. A lot more, it turns out, £77 per year on music, compared with the £33 those who claim that they don't obtain music illegally spend. The study, commissioned by Demos, would indicate that the music business' apparently worst enemies are, in fact, its biggest fans. The survey questioned 1,000 people in the UK on their music habits and spending and found that only ten percent admitted they had downloaded music illegally. However, those ten percent spent more than double on music each year than those who only acquired it legally. The study is especially important in the UK, where there are talks of introducing a “three-strikes” law to kick repeated file-sharers off the Inte!
rnet. “The latest approach from the Government will not help prop up an ailing music industry. Politicians and music companies need to recognise that the nature of music consumption has changed, and consumers are demanding lower prices and easier access,” Demos' Peter Bradwell said. There are a few...
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