Monday, November 2, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Harvest Moon Island of Happiness Unlockables V DS

HTTP:: Harvest Moon Island of Happiness Unlockables V DS
Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness is the fourth game of the series on the DS. Here, players will be able to choose one of two playable characters, Mark or Chelsea, and recover from a shipwreck that has left them stranded on a deserted island. Once populated in the past, the island will now be home to their character and the rest of the survivors. They'll have to bring it back to life by building and managing a farm and convincing people from outside the island to move in their little slice of Heaven. The game is controlled with either the stylus and the touch-screen or with the d-pad and face buttons. The interface is used to equip tools and items, as players will raise livestock such as chickens, sheep, cows, and others. A dog and a horse will become available as unlockables, through achievements. The former can be used to guard and keep their animals safe, while the latter will be able to transport different items and can be used for farm work as well.As the player develo!
ps their farm, more people will move on the island. They will set up shops and provide the gamer with additional items. The title's leading character will also be able to marry one of six different bachelors or bachelorettes about half-way through it. Marriage will unlock new items and objectives. The g...
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