Monday, November 2, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Microsoft Is Not Threatened by Streaming Services

HTTP:: Microsoft Is Not Threatened by Streaming Services
The Xbox 360 division at Microsoft does not feel in any way threatened by the rise of cloud-based computers like the recently revealed OnLive and Gaikai, believing that the current distribution model, focused on disk-based releases and downloadable content, will be central for the coming years.Jerry Johnson, who is the boss of the European division of Xbox Live, told a BAFTA audience at the London Games Conference, that “Streaming technology is something that the industry is betting on longer term. Right now I don't believe that technology can scale out against the experience we can offer on a local machine.” He acknowledges that “The technology will continue to improve. As an industry we'll have to accept that” but “I don't think it's on an accelerated timeline for the foreseeable future.”There are two high profile cloud gaming projects entering the initial beta stages at the moment: Gaikai and OnLive. Both of them are based around the idea that content can be !
delivered via the Internet rather than being stored on the computer on the player interested in it. OnLive aims to actually offer a subscription service that delivers old and new titles, while Gaikai just aims to create the technology and then allow developers and publishers to actually offer the content to in...
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