Thursday, August 6, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Laser Flashes Grow Crystals in Gel

HTTP:: Laser Flashes Grow Crystals in Gel
The study of protein structures is a very complex and delicate one, focusing on tiny formations at a very small scale. But this field of research could soon benefit from a large push forward, as researchers recently announced the development of a new laser technology, which allows the use of light pulses to grow High-quality crystals that are indispensable to protein study. In their studies, biologists use crystals so that they can imagine the structure of proteins via X-ray imaging. Other chemicals are also used in the process, Nature News reports. Additionally, in the pharmaceutical industry, for instance, the production of crystals inside various chemicals is of the utmost importance, as is having their ability to trigger their formation at a moment's notice. This is precisely what the new technology is trying to provide â€" a way of creating high-quality crystals simply by shining bright and fast pulses of laser light onto a specific kind of gel. “Crystallization stil!
l remains largely a black art,” explains Imperial College London protein crystallographer Stephen Curry. The first step of the process, when the actual aggregation begins around a nucleation point (a spec of dust or a crystal seed), is the most difficult to control, he adds. In the new technology, developed by a team of r...

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