Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Twitter Formally Launches Lists Focuses on API Next

HTTP:: Twitter Formally Launches Lists Focuses on API Next
Twitter has now officially launched and announced one of its most eagerly awaited features, Twitter Lists. The feature has been in beta for a while now and it has been rolled out to all users during the past couple of days allowing them to group the people they follow and to easily share them with their friends. “We’re putting the finishing touches on our new Lists feature and we're really excited about the folks who have already taken a lot of time creating awesome lists. From the @time list of funny people to your own list of people who make you laugh - it's easy to see how this feature increases discovery and adds value in lots of ways,” Twitter cofounder Biz Stone wrote announcing the launch.The feature is already becoming popular as people start creating and sharing their lists and searching to see what others have come up with. With the full-blown roll out, Twitter also enabled users to see who has added them to one of their lists. Lists is interesting enough on!
its own, but the real value is delivered by the API that comes with it. And with reports saying as much as half of Twitter users connecting through mobile or desktop clients and not through the site, it is easy to see why the API is crucial to the feature's success. In fact, Twitter is probably more interes...
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