Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Epic Mickey Does Not Support Motion Plus Likes the Vitality Sensor

HTTP:: Epic Mickey Does Not Support Motion Plus Likes the Vitality Sensor
Epic Mickey seems to be shaping up as one of the big Nintendo Wii releases of 2010 and a media blitz following the official unveiling of the videogame is in full swing. The Disney universe-based title, which is being created by Warren Spector and his Junction Point team, aims to both reinvent classic characters from cartoons and to create a story offering all the values that Disney has come to project over the years.When he talked at length about Epic Mickey with 1UP, Warren Spector addressed the Wii Motion Plus issue head on saying that “Our goal for this game is to make sure it doesn't break if you have one installed. I am intrigued by it, and if we get to do more games that use this basic mechanic, I'd like to play around with it. I have some ideas about it, but not for this game.”But the game developer, who has also said that the Balance Board is not integrated into Epic Mickey, seems to have some plans related to the most useless looking of Nintendo Wii add ons, th!
e E3 unveiled Vitality Sensor. When asked about it, Spector offered the rather cryptic comment “Well, you know, now that you mention it. You never know. We have some time.”It's intriguing to think about how the Vitality Sensor might be used in a videogame, considering that you cannot in...
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