Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Fast and Sleek Font Viewer

HTTP:: Fast and Sleek Font Viewer
Finding the best things to integrate into a personal or business-related project is what most of us look for and, if text is involved, then choosing the most appropriate fonts is a must. This task, however, can prove daunting if your library contains hundreds of typefaces. To meet the challenge, you will have to enroll the service of a dedicated viewer that can help you pick out the fonts you consider befitting for the job. Sure enough, the application you're after has to work fast and efficiently, while allowing you an effortless operation. As there are enough such tools for you to select from, it's mainly a matter of personal taste in deciding for a piece of software or another. An interesting and very likely candidate that meets all the requirements for this kind of utility is sFont, a freeware app designed exactly for this purpose: that of assisting you in making the right choice with no fuss and with a little bit of style. The package is lightweight, under 1 MB, and t!
he installation smooth, just like the interface you'll be meeting. The looks score the first points and the works will reveal more benefits for you, all of them preserving the simplicity without cutting out the quality. The main window is divided into two areas, one for the list of typefaces and the other dedicated to the preview. There are also several modules in bot...
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