Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Capcom Boasts Its Figures

HTTP:: Capcom Boasts Its Figures
It may not beat Nintendo as far as profits go, but at least for now, Capcom makes money by the truckload. The company announced in July that its April-June quarter managed to get a ¥19.5 billion or $213 million revenue. It has updated its situation today, and the April-September time segment brought it a total of ¥38.9 billion. That amounts to $426 million, and almost half a billion dollars has a very nice ring to it. Even if the April-June quarter didn't do as well as it had hoped, and it brought only a ¥2.23 billion or $24.4 million net profit to the company, it made up for it in the end. The total six-month income has an overall increase of 58.4 percent, mounting up to ¥2.96 billion, or $32.4 million.The Home Video Games segment was a big part of these numbers, as it grew in revenues by 68.3 percent, up to ¥27.7 billion yen or $303 million. As such, the operating income doubled to ¥7.3 billion, $79.9 million. If you feel all the numbers and time tables confuse you,!
don't worry, there's nothing to be ashamed of. The whole purpose of them is to confuse even the marketing analysts that work for the competition. As part of its report, Capcom said that "As for the video game industry, the Japanese domestic market has been on a downward trend, but it started to show some signs of recovery. Such an improv...
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