Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: The Planet May Have Went Nuclear in the Past

HTTP:: The Planet May Have Went Nuclear in the Past
According to a group of researchers, it may be that the earliest forms of life on the planet might have been made possible by the influence of thousands of small, nuclear fission reactors blasting everything around them with radiation. The model would account for the reason why a radioactive substance has all but disappeared from the Earth's crust, and also for how a source of oxygen may have been capable of doing all this, ScienceNow reports. New types of photosynthetic bacteria are generally credited with bringing about the massive amounts of oxygen that flooded the planet's atmosphere around 2.5 to three billion years ago. This oxidation event was crucial for the emergence and development of complicated life, as everything that lives today is heavily reliant on oxygen as a source of energy. Plants and other photosynthetic organisms are different, as they process carbon dioxide and sunlight to obtain oxygen and energy. Canadian researchers Laurence Coogan, a geologist!
, and Jay Cullen, a chemical oceanographer (both with the University of Victoria), believe that the mineral known as uraninite was made to vanish by the earliest concentrations of oxygen. In a paper published in the latest issue of the journal GSA Today, they explain that the volcanically produced mineral was most likely absorbed by the o...
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