Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Transfer Your Audiobooks from CDs to iPod

HTTP:: Transfer Your Audiobooks from CDs to iPod
It is said that books could be perfect buddies. They do not judge, they offer free advice (and only when you ask them to) and they let you enter their world whenever you have the time. And, as the lack of time and the invasion of bad-quality media are two of the biggest sorrows of our times, the importance of books, and lately the importance of high-quality audiobooks, cannot be underestimated. Not only that â€" when read by a crystalline voice, an audiobook could bring joy into your life, but it could also be a wonderful tool to learn a foreign language, to put your mind to work while driving, jogging or even baking, and most important, to simply help you get familiar with the core of a world-famous, forever-young novel that you always wanted but you never had the time to read.But, I think there is no need to further emphasize the benefits of having and using audiobooks, because everyone who has bought himself at least one of these new media innovations has probably fell i!
n love with it. Nevertheless, I am not sure that everybody knows how to transform their audiobooks into iPod/iPhone compatible formats. And that’s the main purpose of this review: to guide you through the main features of the Audiobook Builder, a program that makes the transferring of any audiobook to your favorite music player devices a piece of c...
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