Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Symbian Foundation Welcomes New Board Member Fujitsu

HTTP:: Symbian Foundation Welcomes New Board Member Fujitsu
The Symbian Foundation has just added a new member to its board of directors, namely Fujitsu Limited. The company has joined the likes of wireless operators AT&T, Vodafone, NTT DOCOMO, chip makers ST Microelectronics NV and Texas Instruments, or mobile phone makers Samsung, Sony Ericsson, and Nokia, which are already Appointing OEM Members on the Symbian Foundation board. According to the duo, Fujitsu has already accepted all rights and obligations an Appointing OEM Board Member has, such as supporting the foundation with an active participation on the four foundation Councils supervising the development of the Symbian operating system, as well as with a financial commitment. The Symbian Foundation notes that Fujitsu joins the team with great knowledge and expertise in open source. “We believe Fujitsu will continue to bring a wealth of experience in making consumer focused multimedia handsets with new user experience to the Symbian Foundation drawing on the success!
es of the innovative firsts Fujitsu has offered on Symbian,” Lee Williams, executive director, Symbian Foundation, commented on the announcement. It's a common fact that Japan represents one of the most advanced mobile markets around the world. The Symbian platform is present in FOMA MOAP(S) phones that can be f...
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