Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Swine Flu Vaccine Take It or Leave It

HTTP:: Swine Flu Vaccine Take It or Leave It
While the World Health Organization (WHO) is painting a dire image of the new influenza outbreak, there are voices that say the situation is not nearly as bad as official announcements would have it. Regardless of where the truth lies, the main question on everybody's lips now is whether they should be getting the new vaccine or not. There are scientists who urge you to do so, and there are those who argue that you should avoid the shot at all costs. Here are some of the viewpoints in this debate. “Influenza vaccines are one of the most effective ways to protect people from contracting illness during influenza epidemics and pandemics. Other preventive and treatment measures include anti-viral and other drugs, social distancing and personal hygiene. These measures must be used both prior to development of a pandemic vaccine and following the availability of a vaccine, expected in limited supply at first,” a statement released on the WHO website says. “Licensed vacc!
ines, including influenza vaccines, are held to a very high standard of safety. Likewise, all possible precautions will be taken to ensure safety of new pandemic vaccines and results from clinical trials, currently ongoing or soon to be initiated, will be taken into consideration by the regulatory authorities in their decision to lic...
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