Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Players Become More Interested in Digital Downloads

HTTP:: Players Become More Interested in Digital Downloads
A new study created by TNS/Today's Gamers and is showing that more and more gamers on all platforms are interested in digital distribution but that full-game distribution through the Internet is still in its infancy at the moment, with a majority of gamers still preferring to get their Modern Warfare 2 and Dragon Age: Origins in the traditional way, by getting into a store and picking up a copy. Americans are the most interested in getting content via digital distribution and with online payment. 43% of those questioned who own gaming consoles are saying they get extra levels through digital download, with 40% sharing that they get paid content through it. At the opposite spectrum, only 13% of Germans do the same thing and the overall levels of digital-distribution penetration among Europeans seem to be significantly lower, hovering around 20%, with only the United Kingdom having a higher rate of adoption. 47% of American gamers that own the Nintendo Wii,!
the Xbox 360 or the PlayStation 3 are saying that they still buy their video games in a brick-and-mortar shop, while just 16% of them both pay and download their titles through a digital-distribution service, and 22% of the players pay online, but prefer getting the game as a physical medium. Again, America seems to be leading the...
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