Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: How to Kill Resilient Worms

HTTP:: How to Kill Resilient Worms
Scientists have recently developed a new method of destroying a class of parasitic worms, which is so hard to kill, that it has spread to a point where it inhabits all the people in several African villages. The tiny invaders are so well adapted to everything one gets to throw at them, that they seem to survive all antibiotic therapies, for example, without suffering any side-effects. Now, experts have determined that adopting an indirect method of destroying the worms may be the most suitable approach. Therefore, they have devised a course of treatment that is not aimed at destroying the worms themselves, but rather the bacterium cultures these organisms have inside them. The method draws its inspiration from the basic knowledge of our bodies, which holds that we die if all the bacteria inside our gut are removed. We live in symbiosis with them, and neither of us can survive separately. The same holds true for the Mansonella perstans worm, which lives inside people in re!
mote African villages, Wired reports. A type of bacteria, called wolbachia, has become absolutely necessary to the parasite's survival over the course of its evolution. As such, they have become the primary target for a new therapy, which aims at destroying them. Without the bacteria, the worms soon die too, experts say. This roundabout way proves to be...
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