Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Hotel Negotiator iPhone App Features William Shatner

HTTP:: Hotel Negotiator iPhone App Features William Shatner
-------- has released Hotel Negotiator, an application for iPhone and iPod touch featuring William Shatner (Star Trek’s Captain Kirk). The application allows travelers to use their devices and quickly book last-minute hotel rooms using’s Name Your Own Price hotel service. According to Priceline, the method also enables users to save up to 50% over published hotel rates. “Our Hotel Negotiator App is designed for travelers who are on the road or at an airport and decide at the last minute that they need a room for the night,” Chief Marketing Officer Brett Keller said. “The app also works for travelers who prefer to make their hotel arrangements after they’ve arrived in a city and have become familiar with the geography. Hotel Negotiator lets them use their iPhone or iPod touch to quickly negotiate the price and book a room from’s comprehensive assortment of quality hotel rooms up until 11:00 p.m. ET on the night th!
ey need the room.” According to, Hotel Negotiator includes the following key features: The Priceline Negotiator - Activate the Hotel Negotiator App and The Priceline Negotiator (William Shatner) gets the whole phone vibrating as he punches his way through the screen. ...
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