Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Left 4 Dead 2 Could Have Avatar Rewards

HTTP:: Left 4 Dead 2 Could Have Avatar Rewards
Some little guy comes up with a great idea and then some bigger guy decides that he should do it too. It's usually how things work in any industry and now, Left 4 Dead 2 may take some hints from Splosion Man. The zombie shooter could offer wearable Avatar items for in-game accomplishments. MTV Multiplayer spotted a post on the official Steam Forums where the user “Fade Guy” found an interesting little treat regarding the game and shared it with the rest of the community. Inside a .txt file from the demo of L4D2, several items are listed in correlation with a particular achievement. The items are a frying pan, a med kit and some t-shirts and are split in two categories. The first is "in game" and the other one is "xlast," which probably refers to the Xbox 360 version and its Avatar items. Just what exactly the “in game” one refers to is a speculation on a much broader view. It's still under the same Avatar listing, but the items could be pretty much anything. Thi!
s entire little gimmick is completely unofficial of course, as it's a fan-made discovery. Still, it isn't something to be overlooked. Achievements and unlockable rewards may sound like a pretty useless thing, and honestly, most of them really are, especially things like customization items. Still, even though it's not exactly m...
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