Monday, September 14, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Anti Ageing Products Speed the Ageing Process

HTTP:: Anti Ageing Products Speed the Ageing Process
When a woman enters a shop where they sell beauty products, in most cases, she expects to come out holding the answer to most, if not all, her problems. Given the pressure women feel to look a certain way, it’s no wonder we can hear them talk of wrinkles and problems usually associated with growing old when they’re still in their 20s, as well as use products that are meant for women twice their age. They’re not doing so without risks though, experts point out for the Daily Mail. It’s not uncommon for women still in their 20s (that is, when their skin is at its best) to buy and use creams and lotions designed with the 40+ woman in mind. In doing so, they might believe they’re actually one step ahead and acting before the first clear signs of old age appear, but they might be doing the contrary, damaging their skin to the point that it will age faster than it would have under normal circumstances. “Eczema patients who use products that are too greasy often suf!
fer from a condition called occlusive folliculitis â€" sweat cannot escape from behind clogged pores, causing itchy red lumps. Teenagers using a heavy product could suffer from the same thing.” Dr. Susan Mayou, consultant dermatologist at London’s Cadogan Clinic, tells the Mail. Unfortunately, this...
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