Friday, September 25, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: People Lie Less than Expected

HTTP:: People Lie Less than Expected
Washington and Lee University Philosophy Professor and Chair of the philosophy department James E. Mahon is the person who wrote the definition of lying for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. He says that, even though a popular TV show concluded that people lied, on average, about 42 times per week, much less lying goes on, in fact, in today's society. But there's a catch. He looks at lying according to his own definition, which only includes actual lies, and not other forms of not telling the truth. “Certain conditions have to be in place for a statement to rise to the level of a lie. First, a person must make a statement and must believe that the statement is false. Second, the person making the statement must intend for the audience to believe that the statement is true. Anything else falls outside the definition of lying that I have defended,” the expert says of his definition. Essentially, his point is that people who are not aware that they are telling a l!
ie are not liars per se. Also, if the speaker does not intend for their audience to believe them, then they are not telling a lie, LiveScience quotes Mahon as saying. Speaking about the latest scandals on Capitol Hill, and in the media, the philosopher shares that, “In his speech to Congress, President Obama was not telling a lie as I de...
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