Friday, September 25, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Dual Star Disks Reveal Themselves to the Twin Keck Telescopes

HTTP:: Dual Star Disks Reveal Themselves to the Twin Keck Telescopes
The Keck Telescopes are today widely regarded as being among the top observatories in the world, due to their ability to probe deeply within the sky, with great accuracy and detail. Recently, astronomers wielding the twin ten-meter telescopes have analyzed the most compact dust disks ever found around another star, using the Keck Interferometer Nuller (KIN). This instrument combines light from both observatories, using interferometry, and is so sensitive, that objects very far away can be seen around their stars. Normally, their brightness would be surpassed by their stars' glare. “This is the first compact disk detected by the KIN, and a demonstration of its ability to detect dust clouds a hundred times smaller than a conventional telescope can see,” the leader of the research team, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center astronomer Christopher Stark, explains. The dual object is not small, per se. Rather, if placed inside our own solar system, the inner dust disk would exten!
d over four times the distance between the Earth and the Sun, and would reach the orbit of Jupiter. The outer disk extends hundreds of time farther into space, the team reveals. Essentially, what KIN does is combine light from the two telescopes in a manner that allows astronomers to...
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