Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: The Connection Between Collage Major and Religious Beliefs

HTTP:: The Connection Between Collage Major and Religious Beliefs
Scientists at the University of Michigan have recently released a new research, detailing their belief on how college major options influence religious belief, and vice versa. Broadly, they have determined that those majoring in humanities and social sciences tend to become less religious than the average, whereas those with a major in education tend to become more so. A “steady” line was recorded in the case of those majoring in biology and physical sciences, the study also shows. The new investigation relies on long-term data collected from the Monitoring the Future Study, which was conducted by the UM Institute for Social Research (ISR). It was funded by the John Templeton Foundation, and the paper accompanying it was released the week of July 27th by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).“Education majors are clearly safe havens for the religious. Highly religious people seem to prefer education majors, tend to stay in that major, and tend to become more!
religious by the time they graduate,” the co-author of the paper, UM economist Miles Kimball, says in regards to the study results. The data that Kimball and colleagues Colter Mitchell, Arland Thornton and Linda Young DeMarco analyzed came from 1976 to 1996 graduates, totalli...

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