Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Stellar Nursery Cores Are Potent Gamma Ray Sources

HTTP:: Stellar Nursery Cores Are Potent Gamma Ray Sources
For all its massive size, our galaxy, the Milky Way, is a bit slow when it comes to forming new stars. This is not the case with other large galaxies, which produce young, blue suns at very high rates. These areas of intense star production, known as stellar nurseries, have long been associated with radiation, and a recent investigation â€" conducted using the H.E.S.S. telescopes, shows that large amounts of gamma rays are emitted from within these structures. The recent measurements were conducted on the galaxy NGC 253, which is closely outside our own Local Group. The reason why stellar nurseries emit this high-energy radiation has remained a mystery for quite some time, but astrophysicists have eventually figured it out. They have determined that, for the large number of stars that is created within the gas clouds, an equally large number of old stars dies. Some of these stars explode into supernovae, modifying the structure of the gas around them. But the catch is that !
these remnants in essence act like particle accelerators, forcing elementary particles to move at increasingly high speeds, until their energy reaches the gamma-ray wavelentgh. The research, which is detailed in the September issue of the journal Science Express, also shows that the high-energy rad...
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