Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: New Generation of Airplane Sensors In The Works

HTTP:: New Generation of Airplane Sensors In The Works
Despite their impressive sizes, modern planes are still fairly sensitive to mid-air impacts. Over the past year, a cascade of incidents has drawn attention to the fact that birds still remain a major hazard for continental or global flights, especially in terms of the damage they cause when they impact the fuselages. Maintenance work is currently difficult to perform on aircraft, because engineers have difficulties identifying the spots on the fuselage where the damage has been inflicted. But that will soon go away, as experts are already working on a new class of sensors to be incorporated directly into planes. The detection devices will be built into the fuselage, and they will provide ground controllers, pilots and mechanics with a complete, real-time telemetry of a plane's condition. If any sort of damage occurs, warning lights will blink immediately, and decision-makers will have a lot more time to take action than they have had until now. Additionally, once the plane !
is on the ground, emergency response teams will be able to start working on the affected spot immediately, without having to perform a full plane check. “We use thermoelectric generators, developed in cooperation with Micropelt GmbH, and adapt them so that they work efficiently,” Dr. Dirk Ebli...
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