Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Coca Cola Labels to Include Calorie Count

HTTP:: Coca Cola Labels to Include Calorie Count
Amidst ongoing debate over the soda tax that is believed to actively bring the obesity epidemics to a halt, or at least to contribute to putting a damper on it, Coca Cola has announced a rather surprising move, that of including a detailed calorie count on the labels of each beverage, WSJ Blogs informs. The change will be complete by the end of 2011, with containers already coming with the altered labels in Europe and Australia. As easily imagined, Coca Cola’s announcement did not fail to generate a controversy, with some speculating that it had nothing to do with the company’s concern over the health of its customers, but rather with it finding a way to avoid the soda tax. Under the guise of good faith lies a not-too-subtle attempt at escaping government regulation, they say. Of course, Coca Cola Co. is adamant the change has been a long time coming and, most importantly, that it has nothing to do with ongoing talk to push the so-called soda tax. “Coca-Cola Co. sa!
id yesterday that it will put a calorie count on the front of almost all the drinks it sells around the world. Soda has been getting slapped around lately in public-health circles, with surgary [sic] drinks cited as a key driver of obesity, and some officials calling for a soda tax to help pay for health care. The American Bevera...
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