Friday, October 30, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Motorola Plans Over 20 Phones for Next Year

HTTP:: Motorola Plans Over 20 Phones for Next Year
Mobile phone maker Motorola is said to plan on releasing a wide range of mobile phones next year, with the newly launched Motorola CLIQ and Motorola DROID being only the first handsets the company has in store for its users. At least this is what CEO Sanjay Jha seems to have stated during the press conference that announced the launch of Motorola DROID.This is not the first time reports on a great number of handsets developed by Motorola emerge into the wild. Several weeks ago, the handset maker was reported to have placed a large amount of orders with Taiwan-based companies for the development of 3G devices, and now those reports are backed by Sanjay Jha's statements, which have been cited by gearlog. There are no exact details on the upcoming devices available for the time being, though the reports suggest they should all be smartphones. If true, it should be interesting to see what operating system they will run under. Motorola has been recently rumored to have excluded !
Windows Mobile from its plans, and the only possible option at the moment seems to remain Android.Moreover, Motorola has also been said to skip the Windows Mobile 6.5 flavor of Microsoft's platform, and Windows Mobile 7 is a version of the OS it would be interested in. Some voices over the Internet even suggested that the recen...
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