Friday, October 30, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: How Earth Class Planets Form

HTTP:: How Earth Class Planets Form
Scientists have tried for a long time to figure out how the elements necessary for life might appear on other planets. One of the preferred ways to do this was with the help of a computer model, which simulated the interactions that appeared between a number of chemical elements, and determined the probability of these chemicals combining themselves in such a way that would allow for life to at least have a chance of developing. In a groundbreaking, new study, experts at NASA assess the influence that the chemistry of developing planets has on the matter, Space reports. “If we're looking for Earth-like planets, it'd be nice to know the chemistry we're after,” University of Arizona in Tucson (UAT) planetary scientist Jade Bond says. The expert is also the lead author of a new study detailing the computer simulations, which was published in the August/September issue of the respected scientific journal Icarus. One of the motivations behind this line of research is the f!
act that further knowledge on what makes a planet tick with life could help make surveys by instruments such as NASA's Kepler Space Telescope more likely to actually yield positive results. The new models Bond and her team created showed that rocky, Earth-sized planets formed from gas and dust swirling frantically in early, protoplanetary syste...
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