Friday, October 30, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Adam Lambert Unveils Cover of For Your Entertainment Single

HTTP:: Adam Lambert Unveils Cover of For Your Entertainment Single
Opinions about Adam Lambert’s choice for a cover for his debut album, “For Your Entertainment,” continue to be divided. Some critics think the artwork is too ridiculous, which might eventually work against him, while there are also fans who also believe mainstream is not ready for this kind of shock. It’s not known whether this had anything to do with it, but Adam has come out with a cover for the upcoming single and it strikingly contrasting with the first one. According to gossip blogger Perez Hilton, Lambert has officially issued a cover for the first single off the debut album, also named “For Your Entertainment,” this time choosing to tone down his outrageousness, presumably in order to avoid scathing comments of the kind he’s been getting for the first one. Coming entirely in black in white, the cover is still mighty fierce, as it shows the singer striking a Grace Jones-type of pose, while hiding his face behind the palm of his hand. “Presenting… !
The cover for Adam Lambert’s new single, which will be premiering today. This image is noticeably different from his ultra glam album artwork, which was met with some harsh criticism. The single cover is definitely less campy and much more edgy. It’s very Rihanna / Russian Ro...
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