Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Killzone 3 Might Arrive in 2010

HTTP:: Killzone 3 Might Arrive in 2010
Killzone 2 was not the hit that Sony hoped it to be. It sold pretty well, but not enough for a big-budget PS3 exclusive. Some players complained about the lack of a cooperative mode, about the rather clunky controls and about the stereotypical plot advancement. It was a solid shooter, but it really did not manage to bring anything new to the genre. Still, it seems Sony and Guerrilla are interested in more of the series, with the new game potentially coming out in 2010. The United States edition of the Official PlayStation Magazine has a feature entitled The Secret game of 2010, and one paragraph of it reads, “”Insider slips reveal three big names you can already pencil for the next year [...] Killzone 3 is reportedly deep in development.” It's interesting to note that the magazine, by its nature, has more access to Sony and its development studios than other outlets and that it uses the word “deep,” which suggests that, maybe, the third installment in the series !
was already in development alongside the second, using mostly the same technology and offering a different plot line. Some fans have been speculating that the developers are getting ready to deliver a game that tells the story of Helghast soldiers, as opposed to the humans that have been featured in the last two. There are also h...
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