Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Shower Heads Harbor Dangerous Bacteria

HTTP:: Shower Heads Harbor Dangerous Bacteria
According to a new study conducted by researchers in the United States, showering can make you sick. The new research, which focused on how clean shower heads were, determined that at least a third of them were infected with dangerous bacteria that could cause serious medical conditions. The largest threat comes from the Mycobacterium avium bacteria, which can be found at these locations in 100 times higher concentrations than in any other spot in a house, the BBC News reports. The reason why they are so dangerous is because they tend to form biofilms on the inner walls of the shower head, which are tremendously difficult to get rid of. The investigation, which was published in the latest issue of the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), also shows that this may be one of the underlying causes why more and more people have started getting infected with the microorganisms in recent years. The experts believe that people's tendencies of !
taking more showers instead of baths could have something to do with this. The science team, from the University of Colorado in Boulder (UCB), says that, when water is made to run through the shower heads, it takes with it bacteria from the biofilm, which can easily remain suspended in the air. They are then inhaled to the deepest recesses of...
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