Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Marriage Works Candaign Promotes Marriage with False Hopes

HTTP:: Marriage Works Candaign Promotes Marriage with False Hopes
The Campaign For Our Children (CFOC) organization boasts a series of bold and unique campaigns, the most recent being that aimed at lowering teen pregnancy rates by promoting the institution of marriage. “Marriage Works USA” basically places the emphasis on an idyllic scenario without taking into account all the factors that may build or, contrarily, shatter a marriage. Because of this, the campaign is selling false hopes and half truths, which means it might actually do more harm than good, a new piece on LiveScience says. Marriage can be, in more ways than one, the ideal solution for a couple, that much is for certain. However, promoting the institution of marriage on such grounds as those claiming married people earn more, are far healthier and considerably much happier might be nothing short of a (not so little) white lie, because it fails to take into account all the factors that come with such a life-altering decision as that of getting married is. Marriage can !
and does work in most cases, but idealized marriage never has and never will, which is why LiveScience considers the recent campaign more detrimental than helpful. “Facts are drawn from the 1999 article ‘The Gender Gap in the Economic Well Being of Nonresident Fathers and Custodial Mothers’ in the ...
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