Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Antimatter Galaxy Detection Tool to Fly to the ISS

HTTP:: Antimatter Galaxy Detection Tool to Fly to the ISS
In various new-age astronomy theories, dark matter and dark energy play central roles. In spite of the fact that even newer models have demonstrated that some yet-unexplained phenomena do not require the introduction of these elements in the equation, some scientists continue to push on for the creation of instruments capable of detecting them. One such device is the recently completed Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS), the crowning work of engineers at NASA and the US Department of Energy (DOE). It is currently scheduled to fly to the ISS aboard a shuttle mission in 2010. Space-based spectrometers are not something new, but this instrument is particularly important because it represents the first one of its type to take a superconducting magnet to low-Earth orbit. The international physics community hopes that, through measurements collected with the AMS, they will be able to answer at least a small portion of yet-unanswered, Universe-related questions that deal with the!
origins and the future of the Cosmos, Space reports. “Earth's atmosphere absorbs everything, so you cannot study primary cosmic rays until you go to space,” Samuel Ting, who is a physicist at the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), explained back in 1994. Since then, efforts have been made to constru...
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