Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Lindsay Lohan Knows Robbers Personal Photos and Vids Taken

HTTP:: Lindsay Lohan Knows Robbers Personal Photos and Vids Taken
Lindsay Lohan’s home in the Hollywood Hills was burglarized over the weekend, twice in less than four months that the star found herself thus “violated.” With Michael Lohan, Lindsay’s father, saying personal objects were taken and hiring extra detectives to help police in their investigation, speculation is beginning to build that Lindsay actually knew the thieves and is well aware of the compromising nature of the materials stolen. “Yesterday, Lindsay Twittered the following about the break-in, ‘that’s how i know it was not a ROBBERY. electronics weren’t taken... just things that a certain old friend knew meant a lot to me’” TMZ writes, after posting photos taken with the surveillance cameras at Lindsay and Audrina Patridge’s homes, both of which have been broken in. On both incidents, three suspects gained access through a door left unlocked: two of them female and one male. In Lindsay’s case, though, it was clear the purpose of the “visit” w!
as not making money off lifted possessions. Initial reports had it, thanks to the statements made by Michael Lohan, that the only things that were taken were a safe that was literally ripped off the wall, and a few watches. Neither Mr. Lohan nor police officers on the...
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