Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Netbook Shipments to Double in 2009 Research Firm Claims

HTTP:: Netbook Shipments to Double in 2009 Research Firm Claims
The netbook phenomenon has taken many by storm, having grown considerably since some of the early models released by Taiwanese netbook pioneer ASUS. As it turns out, the new market segment will continue its ascendant path, with around 32.7 million units expected to be shipped this year alone. This is a noteworthy increase over last year's shipments, which were in the 16.4 million mark. In addition, according to recent research, the netbook segment will continue to grow, while mainstream laptop shipments will remain flat.As a recent report from research firm DisplaySearch shows, netbook shipments are expected to double this year, reaching an impressive mark of 32.7 million units, compared to last year's recorded 16.4 million units worldwide. This latest estimation comes to complete the company's previous forecast, according to which netbook shipments would reach 27.5 million units this year. In addition, it appears that this market will continue to grow, taking a larger chun!
k of the worldwide laptop shipments, with the mainstream ones expected to remain flat.“Mini-notes are forecast to continue to be a significant portion of the market. However, as display sizes of these devices have quickly moved from 7.0” to 8.9” to 10.1”, and now with the emergence of 11.6” and 12...

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