Friday, October 9, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Pigs Can Use Mirrors Too

HTTP:: Pigs Can Use Mirrors Too
A new scientific study evidenced the fact that the average farm pig could learn to find food with the help of mirror reflections in less than five hours. As this ability pigs had had been proven, experts added it to the small number of species who could recognize themselves in the mirror, which included dolphins, some primates, elephants and magpies. All these animals were either able to observe themselves in the mirror, or to remove marks from themselves, if they saw their reflection. In the experiments, seven out of eight pigs were able to learn how to use a mirror to find a bowl of food. “This is the first demonstration of the ability of pigs to use mirrors. Finding sophisticated learning and awareness in animals can alter the way that people think about the species and may result in better welfare in the long run,” University of Cambridge animal behavior expert Donald Broom told Wired in an email. He is also a co-author of a new scientific paper detailing the find,!
published in this month's issue of the respected scientific journal Animal Behavior. According to the scientist, the pigs were very curious at first, when the shiny mirror was introduced in their pens. They inspected the object extensively, and then looked to see what was behind it. After that, they spent about 20 minutes on average looking at the...
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