Friday, August 28, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Space Lasers Analyze Hidden Antarctic Lakes

HTTP:: Space Lasers Analyze Hidden Antarctic Lakes
As years of satellite observations in the Antarctic went by, NASA experts observed that the southern continent had, in fact, a very well developed “plumbing system” underneath its miles of ice. Underground lakes, pressured by the tons of ice above, have created thin water layers between the rocks and the sheets, and also an extensive cavity system, which allows for draining and resupplying neighboring lakes, near and far away. Understanding these hidden systems is very important for future studies and predictions on the faith of the ices in the remote region. “Even though Antarctica's ice sheet looks static, the more we watch it, the more we see there is activity going on there all the time,” the leader of a new study, University of Washington in Seattle expert Benjamin Smith, says. He argues that the thin layers of water cause the glaciers to break free from their rocky support, and push them into the ocean. If many of them break, then they can significantly affec!
t the sea levels around the world, endangering people living in large metropolises and urban centers such as New York, Tokyo, London and Rotterdam. In their new research, experts led by Smith analyzed the changes that had occurred in the Antarctic over the last 4.5 years, using data recorded by NASA's Ice, Cloud and land ...
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