Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Hearts of Iron 3 Why Diplomacy and Intelligence Matter

HTTP:: Hearts of Iron 3 Why Diplomacy and Intelligence Matter
Hearts of Iron 3 arrived at the end of last week and since then much of my day has been taken up by extended playtime and by anxiously checking the official forums of the game looking for opinions, improvement ideas, reactions and, of course, the inevitable bug reports. And they all came fast and furious, with some people loving the new grand strategy title while others hated the new mechanics and the fact that the game eats up a lot of system resource.Two of the new in-game mechanics that have quite a lot of impact in Hearts of Iron 3 are diplomacy and intelligence. They were both present in Heart of Iron 2 but their impact was pretty much limited. One could actually play the entire release while not bothering with spies at all and diplomacy was mostly relegated to making sure that you got the allies historically joining the Axis, the Allies and the Comintern.But Hearts of Iron 3 is a much less deterministic videogame. And diplomacy and intelligence are not built on using !
leadership to train spies and send out diplomats, a resource which is also used to power the research efforts of your nation. My tendency as a player is to put resources into research massively and in my first two games, one as Germany and the other as the United States, I pretty much ignored intelligence and diplomatic efforts...

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