Saturday, August 29, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Food Shortage Inevitable for Asia by 2050

HTTP:: Food Shortage Inevitable for Asia by 2050
According to new official estimates, the already deteriorating conditions in most parts of Asia could reach a critical point by the half of this century, unless significant and long-term water reforms are set in place. The lack of irrigation systems, coupled with shifting weather patterns â€" caused by climate change â€", will deal a devastating blow to the continent's food supplies. The crops that will be most affected include rice, which is the basic food at least for two billion people, one third of the world's population, ScienceDaily reports. Wheat and maize will also be adversely affected by the water shortages, the new study by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the United Nations (UN) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) shows. By 2050, a large number of Asian nations could end up importing more than a quarter of their necessary crops, which would place them at an increased dependency on the outside world. The situation would also mean that!
any fluctuations in the price of grains would severely affect these countries' economies, leading to long-lasting downturns that would impact the region. The conclusions of this study were drawn from the advanced WATERSIM computer simulation, which was fed established data and trends that influenced Asia at the moment. The finds w...
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