Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Secret to Losing Weight Is in Making Diet Change the Easy Choice

HTTP:: Secret to Losing Weight Is in Making Diet Change the Easy Choice
Men and women struggling with their weight and especially those who are constantly looking for a new diet to try out in the hope that, maybe, this time, it will work out, have now new-found hope. A new study has determined that slimmers stand to lose more weight if they make the healthy-diet choice the easy choice, as USA Today informs. What this means is that it’s not enough to just go on a diet, especially if said dietary regime is in sharp contrast with what we’d normally eat. In return, if we choose a diet that does not imply drastic restrictions on our part and, furthermore, set out to lose weight with the help of a friend or relative in the same situation, we actually stand more chances of dropping more pounds than we would otherwise. “Dieters can boost their weight loss if they clean up their act at home and get a partner to lose weight with them, a new study shows. If you want to trim down, you should set up your home to make the healthy choice the easy ch!
oice, says Amy Gorin, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Connecticut.” USA Today writes of the new study. In order to come up with these findings, Gorin took 201 obese and overweight volunteers and divided them into two groups. One group went about the losing-weight t...
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