Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: Genetic Legacy Awards Killer Lighter Sentence

HTTP:: Genetic Legacy Awards Killer Lighter Sentence
In a trial that could set a questionable precedent, an Italian court reduced the sentence it gave to a convicted killer, after taking into account behavioral genetics. That is to say, the judges kept in mind the fact that the individual had a number of genes that have been associated with violent behavior, and decided that this merited reducing the time the killer has to spend in jail by a full year. Some scientists, however, doubt that the decision was based on accurate scientific evidence, saying that behavioral genetics is only a new field of research, where a lot of work is still to be done. In other words, the judges were premature in their sentencing, Nature News reports. On March 10, 2007, Abdelmalek Bayout, an Algerian citizen, killed Walter Felipe Novoa Perez, a Colombian individual living in Italy, over an insult the victim allegedly brought to him. During the first trials, three independent psychiatric assessments were asked by the judge, Paolo Alessio Verni, in !
order to determine if Bayout was sane of mind. The killer's lawyer, Tania Cattarossi, had argued that her client was mentally ill at the time of the killings. Verni took into account Bayout's illness, and sentenced him to 9 years and 2 months, which is some 3 years less than what the Algerian would have received, had he been deemed sane ...
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