Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pingie: HTTP:: More Star Wars Games to Be Announced

HTTP:: More Star Wars Games to Be Announced
LucasArts has been featured in the news quite a lot lately. The company first revealed the name and style of a new Xbox Live Arcade and PC puzzle platformer, called Lucidity, and now the president of the company seems to be revealing that his outfit is ready to announce some new Star Wars-themed videogames set to be developed by some of the big names that worked for the company in the past.Darrell Rodriguez, who is the president of LucasArts, has told GameTrailers TV that “a number” of new Star Wars videogames are being worked on. He then went on to mention the names of Tim Schafer, Dave Grossman, Ron Gilbert and Lawrence Holland, all well known game creators, before asking “Wouldn't it be great to work with them on some new things?”Recently, the publisher said, when announcing the re-release of the old TIE Fighter and X-Wing games, that announcements related to new titles in those series were not far away and the mention of Lawrence Holland probably ties in with th!
ose projects, as he worked on the initial releases.Other than that, it's not clear what LucasArts might be working on. At the moment, it is collaborating with BioWare on creating Star Wars: The Old Republic, a MMO set in the same time frame as Knights of the Old Republic, and also on a Republic Heroes title set...
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